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Results matching “directions of destiny”

My FOB-y parents

E-mail my mom received from my dad in response to her getting a second job:

thanks,you are great. i knew all and i will keep on supporting as long as i have any finacial capbility. next year i think everything will be smoothly.

i wonder why Hans can't find any part time job to share his own payment.

such as we all did part time jobs and independend ourselves' expense since we were over 20 years old.

My mom's response:
Hans is helping me out. He has just finished his second manga & it is on sale now, so please don't accuse him irresponsible for anything. He worked very hard for the last whole year to try to finish his second book, so I didn't and don't expect him to work any part time job. I'll let him do whatever he likes to do and help out whenever he can to release my financial burden. Not only selling his book, Hans has also been trying very hard to keep good GPA at school in order to get school and Cal State financial aids, so I don't need to worry about his tuition. With these, I'm very happy and very proud of everything he's done.

If you can keep supporting us, we will always appreciate it. If you can't, I won't complain anymore because you did what you could already.




Teehee, I like Ranulf.

So I'm almost done with a sketchbook and should probably be getting a new one in the near near future (there are like 3 pages left XO), so I figured I may as well take this time to scan all the sketches that are in there, as well as in the sketchbook BEFORE this one x_X. It would've been so much easier if I scanned them as I did them rather than leaving them all for now, but whenever I draw something in there I always think that I'll eventually refine and finish them. 9_9 Oh well, that never works out. Also, the sketchbook is a tad too big for my scanner so I have to actually go and edit the picture a little after I scan it because a good chunk of the side sections end up a little darker. =_= Next time I'll get a smaller sketchbook >_>. Whatever, enough rambling!

Four years!

That's how it's been since Directions of Destiny was first launched to the public, as of today. Goodness! Think of how long it would be by now if I didn't revise it at least once every year. XD()

Oh well, this time I'm going to follow through and keep working 'til the end!

New forum!

I've just spent the past 18 hours setting up a new forum on the site @_@. I mean, really, it shouldn't have taken more than three hours, but because I didn't want to lose any of the old data from the previous forums, I spent the better half of the night scouring for some sort of script that would convert the data from the old forum to that of the new.

I was originally planning on trying to set up one of those phpBB forums, but I couldn't for the life of me find a script that would convert the version I had of YaBB to the version I had of phpBB XO. Finally, what it came down to was me anticipating on converting the old data files through three other bulletin board scripts before finally being able to convert it to the phpBB filesm, when suddenly one of those inbetween forums was actually pretty good?? So I'm using that now for the site. Hurray!

Solike, all of the boards in the Directions of Destiny forums were combined into one board in this forum; same goes for Lapis Aquae. And because this current forum script ROCKS, I get to have customized templates for each individual board on the forum, meaning you can go to the Directions of Destiny forum and get the Directions of Destiny layout for it :D! (Which was really the only reason I had separate forums in the first place--so that I can have separate templates.) But right now the layouts look like ass because my brain is fried. Good night >O

RSS Feed Hiccup


If for some reason some entries showed up on your RSS feeder with some stuff about Directions of Destiny beginning or Wirepop something something, IGNORE THAT. D: They were old old entries from forever ago which decided to pop their faces up on the RSS feed because I was messing with stuff on the site.




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